

| Sourcing | Release | Restructuring of Real Estate Capital |

| Sourcing | Release | Restructuring of Real Estate Capital |

Sourcing and Release of Capital

Sourcing and Release of Capital

[01Financial Advisory]

A development has to be financed. The loan of an asset portfolio expires and needs to be refinanced. Equity is sought to be invested in a project or a real estate company. Equity should be released.

These may affect a developer and real estate asset manager, even investment funds or family offices.

In Essence it is about to source or release capital, regardless of the event. Along the whole capital stack, from senior and whole loan over a junior loan to mezzanine capital up to equity or similar to equity.

It is to create competition between capital partners to achieve the best possible economic outcome and transaction security. Further more to conduct the whole process diligently and efficiently from start to finish.

[My role:]

I undertake the whole process of sourcing or releasing of capital, regardless of the event or the structure or the asset class. Reliable and efficient, with a clear-cut procedure, with the whole and long-standing experience in real estate and corporate finance.

Special Situations in Commercial Real Estate

Special Situations in Commercial Real Estate

[02 – Restructuring]

A real estate company has encountered difficulties; its capital providers, a fragmented group of banks, insurance companies, and other financiers, are struggling to devise a strategy to mitigate impending losses.

One bank, burdened with a portfolio of problematic real estate loans, seeks to gain control over the real estate assets to stabilize the situation for a potential exit scenario.

The goal in such cases is to avoid a loss of capital value as much as possible, ideally restoring it upon exit.

A key element in this process is to gain direct control over the situation to act strategically and tactically, implementing suitable measures to stabilize the situation for a possible exit.

[My role:]

In special situations, I assume the role of a temporary extension of an organization. I lead the entire process of implementing goal-oriented strategies and tactics, managing measures to take over, potentially spin off, control, stabilize, and guide real estate assets and investments toward an economic exit.

I am adept at working with decision-making and supervisory bodies and am well-versed in the procedures and structures of large banks. I coordinate, prepare, and drive decisions, supporting the fulfillment and implementation of any regulatory requirements.

I operate independently and with the utmost confidentiality, free from capital market constraints and other conflicts, guided solely by mutual interests.

Restructuring advice for investors

Restructuring advice for investors

[03 – Restructuring]

The exit of a project development failed. The conditions of a refinancing deteriorate. The costs of a project are unpredictable increases.

It can be different causes why the finance of a project can come into trouble. It is an entrepreneurial risk, if it occurs, than a consensual restructuring can be an opportunity.

Significant, however are among legal issues, to create corresponding economic courses of action.

[My role:]

I help investors at restructuring of existing property finance with solutions and enforcements which enable them to an economic framework for action.

How can I support you?

How can I support you?