


Schroeder Financial Advisor GmbH & Co. KG
Privatweg 7
64342 Seeheim-Jugenheim

Managing Director: Jürgen Schroeder

Telephone: +49 170 571 95 10


District Court of Darmstadt (Amtsgericht Darmstadt):
HRA 85 825
Tax Identification Number (UST-ID): DE289257023

Exclusion of Liability

Our services include links to external third-party websites, which we can not control. Therefore we are not liable for content provided by third parties. The host or providers oft he websited, to which a link exists, are solely liable for those websites. The websites, to which links exist, where examined for potential statutory violations at the time of establishing the link. Statutory violations could not be identified.

An ongoing examination of the content of the websites, to which a link exists, without any concrete indication is not feasible. As soon as we become aware of such statutory violations, the respective links will be removed immediately.


The content created by the provider of the site and the works on this side are subject to German Copyright Law. The copying, editing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the scope of applicable copyright law is prohibited without the written consent of the author and creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only allowed for private, non-commercial use.

To the extent that the content on this site was not created by the provider, all copyrights of third party are respected. Third party content will be identified. If you become aware of a copyright infringement nonetheless, we ask you to inform us accordingly. If such violation of rights becomes known to us, we will delete the respective content immediately.